It's always sunny at The Playground

Party Contract

Party contract

No Outside Food/Drinks

Absolutely no outside food or drink will be brought into The Playground except for a Nut-Free cake and Nut-Free ice cream. Water and Baby Food/Formula are allowed. For parties, if I choose to break the rules and bring in unapproved food OR drink, $50 will be added to my bill.

Leave 'em Home

Absolutely No Pinatas, Confetti, or Tape on Walls. None. Seriously. We don't want it here either.

Arrival Time

I will not enter into The Playground more than 10 minutes prior to the start of my event. This allows us time to clean up and sanitize the structure from the party before yours and have your room set up as well!

I’m in Charge

I accept all responsibility for the behavior and actions of all party guests.

Play Nice

I understand that there may be another party happening at the same time and that my party guests may be sharing the play structure with the other attendees. ***Not applicable to those who have booked and paid for a fully private party or a private play date.

Party Favors

I understand that party favors may not be given out at any time during the party. Instead, they may be passed out at departure.

Socks are Required

I understand that socks are required of everyone that enters into the play areas at The Playground - adults and children alike.


To my knowledge, no guests at my party are COVID positive, are close contacts, or are experiencing COVID symptoms.

Extra Kids

I am responsible for fees associated for additional children that attend my party or play date in accordance with the package I chose.

Play Dates ARE NOT Parties

I understand that my scheduled play date is NOT a birthday party and as such I understand that there are absolutely NO cake, NO balloons, and NO gifts allowed. No exceptions.

If I've booked a birthday party, I am allowed to bring a nut-free cake and nut-free ice cream, gifts, and balloons.

They’re Not Mine

All party decor belongs to The Playground. I promise to "play nice" and leave all decor (banners/backdrops, tabletop decor, etc) in the party room and in the same condition in which it

was when we arrived. If I take it with me, I will be charged full purchase price for replacement.